Lyrics extract

[qwiz style = “border: 3px solid black; “]
[h] Protein Synthesis: Interactive Lyrics



  • What follows is all the lyrics to Protein Synthesis!, in a fill-in-the-the-blanks format.
  • Interacting with the lyrics in this way will improve your ability to remember the lyrics, and your understanding of how protein synthesis works.

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[q labels = “top”]


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!

[q labels = “top”]



[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Good!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[q labels = “top”]



[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Good!

[q labels = “top”]



[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[l]a functional

[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Great!

[q labels = “top”]



[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Great!


[fx] No, that’s not correct. Please try again.

[f*] Correct!


[fx] No. Please try again.

[f*] Excellent!




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