Progress reporting/recording

Qwizcards allows you to track your students’ work on quizzes and flashcard decks.  You can let your students “log in” to your quizzes and flashcard decks, and you can get reports of their work — how many questions or cards they have tried, how many they’ve gotten correct, etc.

Here are the steps to get started.  When you have enabled progress recording for a quiz or deck then a black, down-triangle icon appears in the top-right corner of the quiz.  Hovering on this icon shows options to register or log in, as in this example.

[qwiz qrecord_id=”dank-progress-recording-example”]

[i] This sample quiz template shows the register/log-in options when progress-recording is enabled.  Logged-in users have options to view their scores.

[q] A sample question

[c]IFJpZ2h0IG Fuc3dlcg==[Qq]


[q] A second sample question


[c]IFJpZ2h0IG Fuc3dlcg==[Qq]


Create a Qwizcards administrative account

Go to and click the “Create new account” link.  Once you’ve entered your user name and password you can either proceed to the next step, below (“Register” quizzes and flashcard decks), or to the second step, below (Create student login accounts).

“Register” the quizzes and flashcard decks for which you want to track student activity.

Use WordPress to start editing the pages or posts with quizzes and flashcard decks that you want your students to work on.

Once you are in the WordPress editor, you should see the “Qwizcards editing menu.”  (If you add a quiz or flashcard deck to a page the previously did not have any quizzes or flashcard decks, you’ll need to click the Qwizcards icon (icon_qwiz16x16) in the editing menu.)

Choose the first option, “Register quizzes/flashcard decks.”  You’ll be prompted to log in to the account you created in the first step.  You will get a menu like this:


Click the green “Add” icon (add_icon) to register each quiz and flashcard deck that you want to track.  You’ll be prompted to provide a name for the quiz or deck — don’t worry, you can select a new “display name” later if you change your mind about the name.

Be sure to Publish or Update your page — this is necessary to keep the name you’ve given to each quiz or deck.

Create student login accounts

You create student accounts on the Qwizcards administrative page, Edit Students/Classes.  This page provides a box with the prompt, “Paste comma-separated or tab-separated data for student user names and passwords here.”  The easiest thing to do is copy and paste student records for a class from your gradebook software or other source (such as a spreadsheet or a text file).  You’ll want fields to serve as a student ID, a student user name (that is, login name), and the student’s password.  You can include additional fields if you want — for example, first name and last name.

For the student ID, it may be handiest to use whatever ID your school uses.  That way, if a student is in more than one class (even with different teachers at your school) that is using Qwizcards, that student will have a single login user name and password for all quizzes and flashcard decks.

Once you paste in your students’ data, then the Edit Students/Classes page will create a table, “Data – students to add to new class,” that shows how the data will be organized within the Qwizcards database.  You can specify which input fields will be used for the student ID, user name, etc.  You can also indicate additional fields (such as last name) that you want to keep (that is, store in the Qwizcards database as “custom” data).

Here is an example using data that the gradebook software exported as a “.csv” (“comma-separated values” file.  After opening it in Excel, the data were copied and pasted into the text box on the Edit Students/Classes page:



Finally, enter a name for the class to which these students should be added (“New class name,” just below the first input box), and click the “Update / Add students to class” button.

Once you’ve added students to the class, the Edit Students/Classes page will create a table that allows you to update student information.  In this example, the “keep” checkbox next to “Home Phone” was checked (last column of the “Data – students to add to new class” table, above):





In addition, you can update student information by pasting new data into the text box at the top of the page — as long as a student’s ID matches what’s already in the database then that student’s information will be updated (rather than creating a new student entry).

Assign quizzes and flashcard decks to classes

Once you have “registered” quizzes or flashcard decks and have also created student login accounts (the preceding two steps), then you can make sure that the quizzes and decks are assigned to students.  You do this with the Manage Quizzes/Decks page, which shows a table like this:


By default, each newly-registered quiz or flashcard deck is assigned to all of your classes — assuming those classes had already been created (using the Edit Students/Classes page) at the time each quiz or deck was registered.  The Manage Quizzes/Decks page allows you to assign quizzes or decks to new classes.  The page also allows you to delete such assignments if you don’t want a quiz or deck to be assigned a class.

The Manage Quizzes/Decks page also allows you to change the name for each quiz and deck, and to specify the “assignment date” for each quiz and deck.  These will be shown when you view student progress on the View scores page.  In particular, quizzes and decks will be displayed in order by their assignment date.  (By default, the assignment date is the day on which the quiz or deck was registered.)

View student progress

Once students have begun to use your quizzes and flashcard decks, you can get progress reports on the View scores page.  Here is a sample report:


The View scores page provides options to view progress for all students in a class across quizzes and flashcard decks, as in this example, or to view more details for all students for single quizzes or decks, or to view more details for a single student across quizzes and decks.